Sad times in Germany. They lost the world cup game last night to Spain, which means they're out of the games now. They have public viewings on large screens in beer gardens, and I could here the crowd from miles away as I sat in my room dutifully working on my paper. They didn't sound too happy.
My paper is 98% finished. We are going to Priem Chiemsee (probably spelled wrong) on Saturday. It's a big lake surrounded by mountains with three little islands in the lake. One has a centuries old palace on it, one has a convent where the nuns make a famous liquor, and the other is uninhabited. No motor boats allowed on the lake to keep the water crystal clear. The island with the nuns has no cars. You take a little steam train to the ferry to get to the islands. I need to get batteries for my camera tomorrow. But here's a little map of the place.